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Press Releases
At Little ScoopsTM, we believe birthday parties are about fun, not only for the kids, but also for the adults. The Little Scoops model allows the adults to celebrate along with the kids, without having to worry about the clean up or the arrangement.
The quality and ease of the party , including the food, entertainment, and planning not only lead to an increase in parties, but also ensures that guests will return.
That's why at Little Scoops, we strive to ensure the highest level of quality and service for all our guests, from our people, food, products and entertainment, not to mention the parlour and celebration rooms!!
Products & Services
At Little Scoops, we believe birthday parties are about fun, not only for the kids, but also for the parents. A party at Little Scoops allows you to celebrate along with your kids, without having to worry about the clean up or the arrangement. Little Scoops is a children’s party place, featuring a retro 1950’s ice cream parlor motif. Partygoers are treated to a variety of interactive games all set to age-appropriate music and supervised by a staff of trained professionals.
Pizza and soft drinks are served at all parties with other food options available at your request. At every Little Scoops party, children get to make their own ice cream sundaes with various colorful toppings.
We hope you'll have a great time at your party and more importantly, we hope your children will have even a better time. We'll truly work hard to make a special day for your little scoop.
Training & Support
Little Scoops offers entrepreneurs a unique children’s party business backed by dedicated founders and staff with exciting and vibrant facilities design and décor package. We also offer computerized reservation and point of sale technology, complete training programs, proven marketing, simple and easy to follow manuals. This all adds up to a tremendous business opportunity that shouldn’t be missed.
After you open, we will continue to help you grow with the Little Scoops goals and culture through:
Innovative marketing materials and promotional ideas
New music and activity recommendations
Interactive website
Continuing education and training
Before opening your Little Scoops, we will support and guide you during:
Market Analysis
Site Selection
Layout and Design
Employee Hiring and Training
Grand Opening scheduling, planning and promotion
Why Little Scoops?
A Little ScoopsTM Franchise ...
...not only lends its name to the smaller enterprise but it also provides the franchisee with an entire system of doing business.
The true product of a business is the business itself.
The system runs the business. The people run the system.
The franchisee licenses the right to use the system, learns how to run it and then "turns the key". The business does the rest
It is a proprietary way of doing business that successfully and preferentially differentiates every extraordinary business from every on of its competitors.
Are You a Good Fit for Little Scoops?
Although it is helpful, business management experience is not a requirement of Little Scoops. We will train you in every area of the business. What we do like to see is an enthusiasm for the concept and a love of children!
We would like all franchisees to understand every aspect of the business. It is necessary for you to work on the business consistently and be very hands on, but you may utilize support management staff to assist on the day to day operations of the business.
Our franchise fee is currently $29,500.
PLEASE NOTE DISCLAIMER: This brand page has been paid for by Little Scoops. Content within
this page that is paid will showcase a Sponsored icon. This means the brand has engaged Franchise Clique
to write the content. Content without the Sponsored Icon is either aggregated media placements the brand earned or
content the brand has created on its own. Questions can be sent to This
information is not intended as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for
information purposes only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California,
Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South
Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are a resident of or want to locate a franchise in one of
these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale
registration and disclosure requirements in your state.