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Franchise Information for Kwik Kerb

The KWIK KERB BUSINESS can be operated by just one person, and can produce highly profitable continuous concrete edging at a rapid rate.

Kwik Kerb

The KWIK KERB BUSINESS can be operated by just one person, and can produce highly profitable continuous concrete edging at a rapid rate.

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Franchise Costs

  • Cash Investment: $9,500
  • Investment Range: $9,500
  • Franchise Fees: $9,500

Franchise Benefits

  • Training & Support: Yes
  • Financing Available: Yes

Industry Information

  • Industry: Home Services Franchises
  • Franchise Units: 398

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Press Releases

Kwik Kerb Header

Changing Lives One Curve at a Time

Many people go to work for someone else every day of their lives. Others march to the beat of a different drum. Are you ready to join the "band" of workers turned successful business owners? Can you see yourself on vacation at Club Med, relaxing on the beach or enjoying your children's school or sporting events? Kwik Kerb gives you the power to increase your income and enough free time to enjoy it! We have created an opportunity to determine your own lifestyle and to become our next great success story.


Choose to be the Master of Your Destiny! Kwik Kerb Exterior

Demand for continuous freeform concrete landscape edging, continues to grow exponentially in the United States. The many unique features of the Kwik Kerb total business system built around the Edgemaster curbing machine sets industry standards, dove-tailing practical engineering with profitability. The EDGEMASTER is the cornerstone of the Kwik Kerb turn-key business system. A truly LOW RISK investment, with high immediate profits is the winning formula with this proven business system.

The KWIK KERB BUSINESS can be operated by just one person, and can produce highly profitable continuous concrete edging at a rapid rate. Some curbing contractors have reported profits exceeding $10,000 in ten days! The total business system comes with the Edgemaster curbing machine, a ground prep machine, a variety of shaped profiles, all the accessories and tools required to create decorative edging ranging from basic concrete to highly attractive and durable custom color finishes, along with marketing supplies and continual training and support. On top of that, Kwik Kerb continually comes out with new and innovative products such as EuroStyle and EuroBrick decorative concrete curbing. Kwik Kerb is simply the best way to enter the concrete curbing business.


Just look around your own area to see the potential for Kwik Kerb!Kwik Kerb Edging

Commercial and residential applications for continuous concrete landscape edging and borders abound. Some examples are golf cart paths, parking lot curbing and tire stops, pool decks, residential and commercial landscape beds, and other areas where low maintenance landscaping is needed. Market demand is high because continuous concrete landscape edging reduces weeding and maintenance, controls erosion, and is a significant contributor to increased property values and attractiveness. High profits and a low investment price make Kwik Kerb an easy choice with contractors wanting to expand their current business and for entrepreneurs new to the industry.

Are you paid enough for the work you actually do...
Or do you get paid on someone else's set pay scale?

.....Do you want to earn more money?

With Kwik Kerb, you pay yourself, sometimes as much in a day as you would earn in a job in a week! Traditional business overheads - electricity, rent, wages, and equipment maintenance - are not necessarily part of a Kwik Kerb business. You can choose any reasonable vehicle to tow your equipment trailer, and raw material costs are very low. Profit margins by comparison, are high as this graphical example shows.

These factors, combined with low debt risk, mean you can earn substantial cash income from your first weeks of work, enabling you to aim at recovering your investment in a very short time. Many Kwik Kerb businesses recover their initial investment in less than a year. You could choose this as your first year's goal!

Kwik Kerb Home Owner

"Kwik Kerb being around our house has really improved the look and that's the bottom line that we wanted. We chose Kwik Kerb because we felt that they had the best product and the service was great."

-Mike Skinner, NASCAR Driver

PLEASE NOTE DISCLAIMER: This brand page has been paid for by Kwik Kerb. Content within this page that is paid will showcase a Sponsored icon. This means the brand has engaged Franchise Clique to write the content. Content without the Sponsored Icon is either aggregated media placements the brand earned or content the brand has created on its own. Questions can be sent to This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. It is for information purposes only. Currently, the following states regulate the offer and sale of franchises: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin. If you are a resident of or want to locate a franchise in one of these states, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with applicable pre-sale registration and disclosure requirements in your state.

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