Save Lives with a Drug & Alcohol Detox Clinic Opportunity!
Today it seems everyone is addicted to something. For many, their addiction is literally destroying their lives. Often they and their families would pay anything to cure that addiction. We’ve all heard an addict can’t stop until they truly want to stop, but even then it seems there’s little help. The typical rehab facility costs $10,000-$40,000 per month with a three-month minimum stay and yet only has a 10% success rate.
Imagine the demand if there were a rehab facility that delivered a 90% success rate! And did it in 24 hours at a total cost of less than $10,000. No don’t imagine it, just read on, because it’s true. We’re here to tell you about this facility and to offer you an ownership share of it as we prepare to bring this treatment to America.
The Ibogaine 24-Hour Miracle Cure For Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Ibogaine comes from the root of the Iboga plant in Africa, where it has long been used in tribal rituals to cleanse and renew the participant. Extensive scientific research and personal experience show that it is extremely effective at curing addictions for drugs such as - but not limited to - heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, opiate painkillers, nicotine and alcohol. Our Partner Clinics report a 90% success rate at curing these addictions for a one-time cost of $10,000.
Best of all, there are NO WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS and NO LINGERING CRAVINGS! These, by the way are the two most powerful hurdles to detox and recovery. Ibogaine actually cures addiction in less than 24 hours. A day or two of rest and recovery is recommended after the cure. No further maintenance drug or Ibogaine is required.
Great Britain, France, Canada, Australia and Mexico are just some of the many countries that already permit the use of Ibogaine to treat addiction. Ibogaine is neither addictive nor dangerous, but because of the power of pharmaceutical companies to influence public policy in America, Ibogaine is still illegal here.
Most U.S. drug treatments simply replace one addictive drug with another, which keeps the pharmaceutical industry making money. The average cost of U.S. drug replacement therapy, such as Methadone, Suboxone, etc. is $500 per month or more. These meds enable the user to function in society without having to experience withdrawal symptoms, but they keep them hooked and handicapped as a drug customer for life.
Our Ibogaine treatment, on the other hand, pays for itself within a few months, thanks to the savings from no further drug expenses, sickness, lost wages, etc. In fact, Ibogaine cleans the brain receptors and the body, so the patient feels as if they have never used addictive substances in their life. It literally gives the addict their life back with a clean slate.
You Can Profit From The Ibogaine 24-Hour Miracle Cure!
This is not a dream. It’s a reality. Our Partner Clinics are already operating and successful. Our goal is simply to build on, expand and market the success they are already having.
We accomplish this goal by forming a partnership to raise funds for a national marketing campaign about the Ibogaine 24-Hour Miracle Cure. We use wide-reaching Direct Response Radio and TV commercials, Internet SEO Advertising and Print Ads. Responses from our advertising go to a dedicated 20-person sales office for personal telephone follow-up. Our salespeople lead customers to a $10,000 sale, which is an easy process. There is currently a record epidemic demand in the US for addiction treatment…and there’s been no real cure until now.