The World’s Fastest Growing Fitness Franchise
As a general rule of thumb in the franchising world, there is correlation between the dollar investment and the dollar return. A very simple rule.. Whatever you invest upfront, should be returned to you on an annual basis. i.e If you were to invest $400,000 into a franchise, the return should be $400,000 per annum.
NOT F45….. INVEST $135,000 TO MAKE $350,000 PER ANNUM YEAR ON YEAR (avg)
F45 is the leanest, most cost-effective fitness franchise on the planet. With a breakeven of circa 50 members, F45 studios have proven to meet breakeven within 2 months and have a payback of less than 9 months. You simply will not find a better franchise to invest in.
The magic combination of high volume, high margins with minimal overheads ensures that F45 franchisees enjoy significant returns on their modest capital outlay.
Welcome to F45 Training, the fastest growing fitness franchise in the world. Born in Sydney Australia in 2012, franchised in 2014, the company has now sold over 400 franchises internationally in 18 different countries. F45 is the world leading team training facility. Surpassing Subway and Mcdonalds as the fastest franchise in Australian history, F45 is the envy of competition based on three key metrics; motivation, innovation and results
Welcome to the future in training technology. With millions of dollars spent in tech projects withihin the business, franchisees are able to benefit from a relenetless suite of incredible solutions and apps for their business
An internal intranet, custom built radio channel, systemised training systems and exercise dongles, online nutrition portal, training and judging apps, fitness tests, client CRM, all power your business with the best of breed across the board in all aspects. This turn key solution ensures franchisees with no business acumen can run a successful operation by simply following the F45 system.
F45 is a community based, functional training system that prides itself on innovation, motivation and results. The methodology is built on 18 different training systems, of which the same workout is NEVER repeated. Ranging from NFL inspired workouts (Quarterbacks) to Surfing inspired workouts (Pipeline). With over 3,000 filmed exercises, F45 is the envy of all competition.
The key facets of F45 from a training perspective include:
- Suitable for all ages and fitness levels
- No power lifting or heavy weight lifting
- Time based not rep based
- Aestheitcally the apple store of health and fitness
- 65% female and 35% male
- Live DJ’s