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The Bingo Bugle is a monthly tabloid newspaper designed, written and published for Bingo players. It is produced and printed in over 70 markets throughout the U. S. and Canada with a circulation of 900,000 copies each month.
Established in 1979 it now ranks as North America's leading Bingo and gaming newspaper. And consistently ranks in Entrepreneur Magazine's Annual Franchise 500.
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It's played on every continent and in nearly every country on earth. One day a week the entire country of Sweden comes to a stop while a national Bingo game is played via TV; tiny villages in Central American rainforests boast nightly Bingo games; not to mention the huge number of Bingo games played in North America. Bingo may just be the most popular game in the world.
But it's more than just fun; Bingo delivers millions and millions of dollars each year to charitable organizations. From church groups to international organizations, Bingo lends more than a helping hand, it supplies the cold hard cash necessary to make a real difference.
With a circulation of well over one million, the Bingo Bugle is committed to serving all forms of Bingo, from the smallest local game to the largest high-stakes hall. Each local publisher of the Bingo Bugle is THE expert on Bingo and Bingo games in that area; a local edition, with unique schedules and content, can be found wherever Bingo is played, and many other high-traffic locations.
Why Bingo Bugle?
Over 30 markets in the U. S. and Canada are available and waiting for a publisher (you?) who would like to be their own boss, create a publishing business and be part of a an international, award winning newspaper group - and in a dramatically growing inflation-proof industry.
Bingo Bugle publishers sponsor the Annual World Championship Bingo & Gaming Tournaments held in the Caribbean aboard the world's most glamorous cruise ships. 1,000 avid Bingo players compete each year in the company's Annual world class event.
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