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Would I make a successful franchisee?

A successful franchisee should be suited to the industry of which he or she is a part,suited to the particular franchise company, and suited to the franchise system generally.Important questions to ask yourself include: Am I suited to the industry physically and byexperience, education, learning capacity, temperament and financial ability? What type of work is most appealing to me; for example, do I enjoy working with food, mechanical things,people, real estate, books and recordings, sporting goods, etc.? Am I prepared to work hardand take financial risks? Do my advisors, family, and friends think I am adaptable andtrainable? How do I react to controls? Am I a loner - resenting authority and restraints,or can I accept guidance and direction happily? If I prefer to act as a passive investorin the franchise, will the company accept this? How do I personally feel about the company'simage and products and services? The right answers to these types of questions help determineyour potential success as a franchisee.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Feb 20, 2011
Word count: 162 · Read time: 1 mins
A successful franchisee should be suited to the industry of which he or she is a part,suited to the particular franchise company, and suited to the franchise system generally.Important questions to ask yourself include: Am I suited to the industry physically and byexperience, education, learning capacity, temperament and financial ability? What type of work is most appealing to me; for example, do I enjoy working with food, mechanical things,people, real estate, books and recordings, sporting goods, etc.? Am I prepared to work hardand take financial risks? Do my advisors, family, and friends think I am adaptable andtrainable? How do I react to controls? Am I a loner - resenting authority and restraints,or can I accept guidance and direction happily? If I prefer to act as a passive investorin the franchise, will the company accept this? How do I personally feel about the company'simage and products and services? The right answers to these types of questions help determineyour potential success as a franchisee.

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