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How can I be sure I won't lose money or is my investment guaranteed?

No one can be 100 percent sure. Although the majority of franchisees are satisfied,successful business people, some do suffer financial losses. That's why you must beparticularly wary of any company which "guarantees" profit or certain success.If you hear a claim about a company that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Investigation of all earnings claims made by a franchisor is especially important. But,regardless of earnings claims, you must recognize that your success can come only throughhard work. Success or failure ultimately depends on you.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Feb 20, 2011
Word count: 86 · Read time: 1 mins
No one can be 100 percent sure. Although the majority of franchisees are satisfied,successful business people, some do suffer financial losses. That's why you must beparticularly wary of any company which 'guarantees' profit or certain success.If you hear a claim about a company that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.Investigation of all earnings claims made by a franchisor is especially important. But,regardless of earnings claims, you must recognize that your success can come only throughhard work. Success or failure ultimately depends on you.

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