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Top Five Characteristics of a Successful Franchisee

FranChoice Consulting explains the top five characteristics of a successful franchisee.
Image for Georgio Salas
(Franchise Clique)
Updated: Mar 29, 2012
Word count: 718 · Read time: 4 mins

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Top Five Characteristics of a Successful Franchisee


Question:  I’m thinking about obtaining a franchise business but I’m not sure what it takes to succeed as a franchisee.  What are some of the characteristics or skills I need to have in order to have the best chance of success if I pursue this route for my future?


Answer:  This is a marvelous question and one of the most important things you could be focused on as you contemplate your possible move into franchising.  There are five key characteristics that, more than anything else, determine success in a franchisee.  They are:


Risk Aversion.  Many people think that in order to succeed as a franchisee you need to be a gambler.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  If you want to gamble, go to Las Vegas.


Successful franchisees are typically risk averse.  They are willing to take some risk but they want that risk to be as small and controlled as possible.  Any new business startup involves some risk of failure, but a strong franchise with a proven track record of success will minimize this risk for you.  Successful franchisees do their homework so they know what they are getting into.


System Orientation.  Many people think that in order to succeed as a franchisee you need to be a true entrepreneur.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Entrepreneurs have an almost uncontrollable urge to reinvent the wheel based on their incredible confidence in their own ability to figure out how things should be done to maximize results.


Successful franchisees want proven systems.  They don’t want to have to figure out the best way to do something.  They want a proven system of operation that tells them the best way to do anything associated with the business.  They are willing to listen and learn from others to avoid making mistakes so that they can be more successful and do it sooner.


Coachability.  The motto of franchising is, “In business for yourself, not by yourself.”  Successful franchisees look for opportunities to learn from others in their franchise system.  Their philosophy is, “when in doubt, ask.”  They constantly ask advice of the franchisor support staff and other successful franchisees and they follow the advice they get so that they can maximize their success.  They are very comfortable understanding that they don’t know all the answers and asking for help when needed.


Hard Work Affinity.  Successful franchisees have a willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done.  This attitude shows in their every action.  They put in the hours and get the tasks done to succeed in business.  No matter what the franchise is, it’s going to take work to make it successful and the best franchisees know and accept that fact.


Strong People Skills.  Successful franchisees always have good interpersonal skills to effectively interact with their employees and customers.  They create loyalty, value and trust with their skills.  Though this factor is listed last, it is probably the most important of all!


There’s another old saying, “It’s lonely at the top.”  That’s certainly true with successful franchisees since they are the boss of their business.  You need to have high enough self-esteem to accept this challenge for yourself.  You won’t have others around to constantly reassure you of how good you are or how good you’re doing.  


As you review this list, be honest with yourself.  Do you already have each of these characteristics?  If not, can you focus on applying yourself so that you effectively show these characteristics through your actions?


If the answer to these questions is yes, you’re well on your way to becoming a successful franchisee in your own right.  As always, take the time to thoroughly investigate any franchise opportunity to make sure the track record is strong and dependable and then you’ll be set.




FranChoice helps entrepreneurs realize the dream of owning their own business. FranChoice is a network of experienced franchise consultants who will help you find that perfect fit - matching up your interests, talents, and investment level with a strong franchise business. We provide this valuable service for free. The franchises we work with are pre-screened, high quality franchise companies who we know will be a good place for you. If you need some help finding the perfect fit for you in franchising, get in touch with FranChoice today by clicking here.

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